Meet Our Team
Marine Families is an all volunteer organization dedicated to supporting military, veterans and their families. United in teamwork they continue to improve the events, programs and projects offered by the organization.

Cyd Deathe
Executive Director
Cyd Deathe is the founder and Executive Director of the Marine Families organization. Cyd found a need for parents and families to be able to come together for support and knowledge when her son enlisted in the Marine Corps in 2003. She has spent the past 20 years working with military and veteran families specializing in the Marine Corps.
She has successfully lead volunteers teams to accomplish thousands of successful projects, events and programs all aimed to honor, support, educate and inspire, touching lives in our community, the entire nation and across the globe. Cyd and her teams have worked with the publishing of the first Wounded Warrior Handbook and distributing over 500 free copies to combat wounded. They were a part of the making and distribution of While Time Stands Still, a military family deployment video which has been seen across the world via the PBS tv stations. They developed a Wreaths Across America project which revived an American Legion cemetery covering over 800 grave sites each December for the national remembrance. They developed the Run For the Fallen/Tampa Bay a memorial event which honored all of Florida's fallen from OIF/OEF. Over the 10 year period it was held faithful supporters returned annually with a total combined participation of over 30,000. Our Yellow Ribbon Project has allowed them to distribute nearly 5,000 free deployment ribbons, which are personalized and processed by volunteers, to military families of all branches. Their Krewe of Semper Fi program is designed to interact the local community with military and veterans during the parade season. Volunteers constructed a float known as "Frank the Tank" that hosts dozens of guests each year enjoying food, drink, and camaraderie. Our current project is the "adoption" of the 4th Assault Amphibian Battalion in Tampa
FL. Working closely with command to become a familiar and active part of the base on a weekly basis, getting to individually know the Marines and better immerse them in the community.
Her leadership has assisted the organization in receiving numerous accolades for their endless work including; Tampa Toys for Tots, Operation Helping Hands, Wreaths Across America, Sew Much Comfort, MARCENT/Central Command, Tampa Chamber of Commerce Military Appreciation Award, Hillsborough County Veterans Council "Keeping the Patriotic Spirit Alive Award"(x2) and the Ed Porterfield Award.
Cyd is the wife of an Army Vietnam combat veteran, mother and grandmother. She attended Central Christian College in Kansas and recently retired from Tampa Bay Technical High School where she served as the school registrar for 18 years. She is devoted to God, her family and giving back to others and in her spare time enjoys raising Monarch butterflies doing her part to save the species from extinction.

Retired Master Gy Sgt "Monty" Quailes
Asstistant Executive Director
Demonta "Monty" Quailes retired from the Marine Corps as a Master Gunnery Sergeant in 2019 after completing a 26 year career. During his time in the Marine Corps he served at eight duty stations, visited 14 countries, and deployed to Iraq and Djibouti. He was a Supply Warehouseman for five years and transitioned to Marine Air Ground Task Force Planner which was his job for the remaining 21 years of his career.
Monty and his wife Samantha started as members of Marine Families in 2009 and volunteered on several events to include fundraising events, parades, and Run for the Fallen Tampa. In 2012 Monty brought his project management skills and leadership as the Race Director for the Run for the Fallen Tampa 5k, 10k, and 1 mile walk hosted and sponsored by Marine Families. He continued as the Race Director for five years and took pride in making the event special for Gold Star Families in attendance.
In 2014, Monty was promoted in Marine Families to Assistant Executive Director. As a retired Marine he brings a wealth of knowledge to the organization and its military families. Monty's military experience has been instrumental in assisting families of service members understand a variety of topics from deciphering military lingo to explaining military processes.
He currently works as a Civil Servant for the Navy in Virginia specializing in logistics. Monty has earned a bachelor's degree in Project Management and a master's degree in Human Resource Management.

Kym Smith
Krewe of Semper Fi Director